Kids Fear Climate Change
A new poll finds that teenagers are fearful of climate change and this is causing them additional stress in their daily lives. Being a teenager is hard enough, but add climate change to their list of fears and it can become an even more complicated phase of life. According to a new Washington Post-Kaiser Family Foundation poll, a solid majority of teenagers here in the U.S. are convinced that humans are changing the Earth’s climate and not for the better. You can read about the entire story here.
Although, climate change has been a topic for many years, many critics and politicians question the validity that it's actually happening. Idaho Governor Brad Little recently said he believe that the climate is changing. Critics of global warming state that China, India, and Russia are more potent polluters than the United States of America.
Members of Congress and Democratic Presidential Candidates have stated publicly that the Earth only has eight years left before the alleged damage is irreversible.
The numbers show that about 1 in 4 have participated in a walkout, attended a rally or written to a public official to express their views on global warming, all before reaching voting age. More than 7 in 10 teenagers and young adults say climate change will cause harm to people in their generation, what resources does that age group need so they can help provide solutions for a greener future?