Storming Area 51
What started out as a social media joke has now gotten the United States Air Force planning on how to stop a possible 'invasion of the super secret government military installation known as Area 51. While the original "Storm Area 51" event has been cancelled, more than two million people marked themselves as attending on Facebook. But should they show up anyway? A music festival is planned nearby in the Nevada desert and the Travel Channel will be on-site to document any events set to potentially take place on Friday.
The Las Vegas Journal Review has detailed several tips on how to enjoy the experience this weekend. Officials throughout the region have warned of traffic jams, gas shortages, and other 'ordinary' issues travelers face when driving through the desert. The paper lists the last or near to last gas stations available for the desert drive. A 'safety list is compiled by AAA in the link above from the paper.
However, officials urge caution of the dangers. Besides facing a beefed-up military presence at the secret Air Force base, the threat of injury from wild animals is very real. "Our nation has secrets, and those secrets deserve to be protected," warned Chief of Staff Gen. David Goldfein, adding, "People deserve to have our nation's secrets protected." What do you think will happen on Friday? How many will actually show up?
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