Take The Jab or Lose Your Job
Idaho employers can require employees to take the Covid vaccine as a condition of employment. Current state law does not protect employees from saying no to taking the vaccine. Unlike other states that have begun legislation to protect its workers, the Idaho Legislature does not plan to introduce legislation during this continued session.
USA Today reports that over 40 states have legislation in the pipeline to protect workers from forced vaccinations. Idaho has long been a state known for its skepticism over vaccinations. The Gem State is also a right-to-work state which some say limit the rights of employees.
Forbes Magazine quotes a study that 17% of the country wants to see how the vaccination process works for those who took the shot. The question regarding Idaho is, why hasn't our legislature looked into this growing problem?
Governor Little did ban Covid passports for anyone doing business with the state of Idaho, but that does not apply to private companies. It appears personal freedom in Idaho applies to the state and not its citizens, not state employees. Executive actions are not laws, and they should not be a replacement for laws.
The Idaho Legislature has an opportunity to do the right thing for Idahoans who want the freedom to choose whether or not the shot is for them. Why would anyone in their right minds allow companies to demand workers be injected with a 'voluntary' shot not approved as an 'Emergency Use Authorization?
If members of the United States Military can say no to the mandatory shot, so should every Idahoan. Our state government's legislative and executive branches have a duty to protect every Idahoan's sacred right to determine what they put into their bodies.