The Washington Post/Getty Images

I don't get it.  Perhaps it's a giant global conspiracy.  Early this week, the country of Mexico moved towards becoming another nation that would legalize recreational marijuana.  First Canada, then Mexico, perhaps the world is next?  The United Nations in its infinite wisdom has reclassified cannabis (The Weed) as a less dangerous drug reports The Hill.

The Commission for Narcotic Drugs voted to remove cannabis from the list of Schedule IV Narcotics, which includes highly addictive drugs like cocaine and heroin. The move could help clear the way for further research and medical use of cannabis around the world.

Marijuana reporters who covered the UN's decision say the continued medical benefits of THC and marijuana was a major reason for the change.  Several states have legalized medically which then led to recreational legalization.  Marijuana dispensaries currently are not recognized by the federal government.

The New York Times which broke the story spoke to researcher who believes in pot legalization.  “This is a huge, historic victory for us, we couldn’t hope for more,” said Kenzi Riboulet-Zemouli, an independent researcher for drug policy who has closely monitored the vote and the position of member states. He said that cannabis had been used throughout history for medicinal purposes and that the decision on Wednesday reinstated that status.

The lack of access to banks has caused the industry to pressure Congress to recognize them as a legitimate business.  That attempt failed this year, due to a continued response from drug free advocates.

Stock speculators have invested in pot stocks in the hopes that the Biden Administration will follow through with their campaign promise to decriminalize The Weed at a federal level.


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