Today's guests:  6 a.m. - Lisa Gonser with St Luke's promotes the Fit One weight loss challenge ( ; Kevin then took calls on Senator Jeff Flake's comments about President Trump.   7 a.m. - Greg Pruett of the Idaho 2nd Amendment Alliance promotes a gubernatorial candidate forum to discuss gun rights scheduled for Feb 20th ; 7:15 a.m. - Rich Noyes of the Media Research Center with results of a media study which shows 90-percent negative coverage of Trump in his first year in office ; Kevin and Rich discussed the president's first ever fake news awards.  Kevin started the hour with news that Apple would be investing billions of dollars back into America.   8:15am - Tea Party Patriots founder Mark Meckler joins Kevin in studio to promote his push for a Constitutional Convention of States.  Several folks called in worried that a convention would open 'Pandora' Box' and the damage would be harmful to the country.  Kevin then promoted the Canyon County Kids Expo.

6 a.m.

7 a.m.

8 a.m.

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