Thursday 07/11/19 – Kevin Miller Show
Today's guests: 6 a.m. - Tom LeClaire of the Coalition of Idaho Chater School Families says his organization is at odds with a state entity ; 7 a.m. - Blair Ellis of the Republican National Committee discusses current political events. She and Kevin Miller review the last election cycle. They preview what will happen in 2020 in the House, Senate, and presidential cycle. Kevin Miller takes calls from listeners who are worried about the growing deficit that will add to the national debt. Kevin Miller looks at the aleged thousand of people that will storm 'Area 51.' Kevin Miller switches gears to address the issue of loyalty and sports. He expands the topic to whether there is or should be loyalty to one's employer. Should loyalty to one employer be a thing of the past? Dirk Nowitzki retired earlier this year at the top of an interesting list: NBA players who spent their entire career with one team. 21 years for Dirk, right behind him: Kobe (20), and Time Duncan and John Stockton (19). What about active players? It's going to be awhile before anyone catches up to Nowitzki. Steph Curry leads candidates with his decade at Golden State. Is loyalty dead in pro sports? What about in the real world? Is the idea of loyalty keeping you from leaving for a better opportunity? When asking for a raise, has your boss essentially told you to take it or leave it? ; 8 a.m. – Foreign policy expert Dan Perkins reviews some dangerous shifts in societal norms. Mr. Perkins shares how his nonprofit group is helping veterans returning from multiple deployments.
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