Thursday 12/20/18 – Kevin Miller Show
Kevin Miller begins the program by welcoming everyone to the annual Kevin Miller Christmas Party. It's a yearly event where listeners are invited to join Kevin in studio and "take over" the airwaves for the entire show. In years past, it has been lively and eventful.
Kevin Miller is joined by Bruce, Shea, Too Fly Bry, Tess, David, Terry from State College Pennsylvania, and Tea Party Bob. The first topic is one where several folks call in, and several in-studio folks disagree, the funding of the border wall. The topic continues for over two hours.
President Trump's announcement that our troops will be leaving Syria is the next topic for discussion. Kevin Miller goes over the political reaction to the withdrawal.
Kevin Miller ends the show by wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and leading the group in singing Merry Christmas. The show ends with everyone joining hands in celebration.
6 a.m.
8 a.m.