Tuesday 01/30/18 – Kevin Miler Show
Kevin Miller begins his show by covering the latest on the Flu Virus. He takes several calls on whether or not people should get the Flu shot in Idaho. Kevin Miller covered about a new California Law that would fine 1,000$ if a waiter offers a customer the option of using a straw. Today's guests: 6:35 a.m. – Fox News Radio’s Tonya J Powers says Californians may have a drinking problem if a state legislator gets his way ; 7 a.m. – Cassie Smedile of the Republican National Committee previews President Trump’s State of the Union speech ; 7:25 a.m. – State Dist 34 Rep. Ron Nate discusses several bills being debated at the Statehouse ; 8 a.m. – Fox News Radio’s Rachel Sutherland has the latest on a mysterious memo suggesting wrong doing by high government officials in an effort to smear Trump ; 8:38 a.m. – NASA scientist Noah Petro urges listeners to look skyward early Wednesday morning.
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