Tuesday 02/06/18 – Kevin Miller Show
Today's guests: 6 a.m. – Cabot Undervalued Stocks Advisor Crista Huff says the big stock drop is a buying opportunity. She reviews the last few years of stock market gains with Kevin Miller. Kevin Miller asks her about mutual funds, IRAs and 401ks. 7 a.m. Shawn Meehan who spoke to Kevin Miller about the move to vote for a convention of states in Idaho. Mr. Meehan detailed why he believes the convention could destroy the company and why Idaho Politicians are wrong for considering it. ; 7:30 a.m. – Fox News Radio’s Tonya J Powers with a stock market preview ; 7:40 a.m. – CEO of Competitive Edge Research, Steve Ackerman talks money and politics ; 8 a.m. – Megan Barth of ReaganBabe.com shares what she learned researching Federal missteps in the Bundy saga ; 8:35am – Melanie Morgan of MediaEqualizer.com discusses the Nunes memo..She reveals to Kevin Miller that she continues to look at moving to Eagle, Idaho.
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