Tuesday 03/13/18 – Kevin Miller Show
Today's guests: 6 a.m. – Bryan Crabtree of Talk40.com. Mr. Crabtree tells Kevin Miller what to expect during the president's trip to California. Kevin Miller then asks Bryan about the tariff situation and how will it impact American Business ; 6:35 a.m. – Fox News Radio’s Tonya J Powers reports on a phone scam and how to avoid it. Kevin Miller takes calls on a disturbing story involving an Idaho teacher feeding a puppy to a snapping turtle in Preston, Idaho. Several people call in to voice their opinions. ; 7 a.m. – Author Dr. Jerome Corsi promotes his new book, “Killing the Deep State” Kevin Miller and Dr. Corsi go over how the Deep State continues to try to derail the conservative agenda. Dr. Corsi reveals Obama's involvement in the Deep State. ; 7:35 a.m. – Fox News’ Jessica Rosenthal reports President Trump will visit California today ; 8 a.m. – Melanie Morgan of MediaEqualizer.com tells Kevin Miller what she expects from the new Secretary of State.
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