Tuesday 04/30/19 – Kevin Miller Show
Today's guests: 6 a.m. - Phil Kerpen of American Committment discusses energy policy. Kevin Miller and Phil Kerpen discuss why the cost of gasoline has risen so much in the past few months. The price per gallon has risen over 50 cents per gallon in the Gem State. There appears to be no outside reason to justify the price escalation. Kevin Miller and Phil Kerpen look at the growth of the Permian Basin in West Texas. It is the world's largest supplier of oil known to man. ; 6:35 a.m. - Fox News Radio's Simon Owen reports a whale with a harness may be a Russian spy ; 7 a.m. - Jim Burn of the Pennsylvania Democratic party joins Kevin to discuss current political events. Kevin Miller and Jim Burn look at Joe Biden's announcement in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. They preview the upcoming battle for the soul of the Democratic Party. ; 7:35 a.m. - Fox News' Rachel Sutherland follows Joe Biden ; 8 a.m. - Jennifer Lawrence talks about her GoFundMe page, "We Build the Wall". She shares with Kevin Miller how dangerous the US/Mexico Border is from her firsthand visits to the area. Kevin Miller takes calls from listeners on whether or not someone should be forced to vaccinate themselves and their children. ; 8:35 a.m. - Fox News Radio's Jared Halpern says President Trump will meet with Schumer and Pelosi. Kevin Miller previews U.S. Attorney General William Barr's testimony before Congress on the Mueller Report.
6 a.m.
7 a.m.
8 a.m.
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