Wednesday 02/20/19 – Kevin Miller Show
Today's guests: 6 a.m. – Curtis Houck from Newsbusters with a review on anti-Trump bias in the mainstream news. ; 6:15am – Ch 7 reporter Joe Parris with a live road report from the field. Kevin Miller covers the severe weather in the Treasure Valley. He asks listeners to call in with their road reports. Several listeners call in with safety tips on how to avoid ending up in the ditch. Kevin Miller continues to cover the Andy McCabe revelations and takes calls from listeners.; 7:35 a.m. – Dr Michael Karlfeldt of the Karlfeldt Center joins Kevin in studio to share his concerns about a bill in the Idaho legislature affecting alternative medicine practitioners. Kevin Miller continues to cover the severe weather and deteriorating road conditions. He updates everyone on the Hemp/Marijuana truck story. A federal judge rules the ISP can keep the truck filled with hemp or marijuana. Kevin Miller reports that the Idaho Hands Free law has been struck down in a state senate committee.; 8:35 a.m. – ACHD Commissioner Kent Goldthorpe checks in for a highway conditions report. Kevin Miller updates everyone concerning the debate over whether Marcy's Law will pass the House of Representatives. Advocates say this bill will give victims of crime rights they currently do not have in Idaho. Opponents believe this bill could take away the second and fourth amendments.
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