Wednesday 03/14/18 – Kevin Miller Show
Today's guests: 6 a.m. – Kayleigh McEnany of the Republican National Committee opines on the Tillerson dismissal. She reports on what's happening in Pennsylvania 18. Midterm predictions and the president's trip to California were discussed. Kevin Miller takes calls and predictions concerning today's student protests in the Treasure Valley and across the country. Kevin Miller updates the area with the latest on the Preston, Idaho middle school teacher, who allegedly fed a live puppy to a snapping turtle in front of middle school students. The story has garnered international attention. ; 6:35am – Fox News Radio’s Rachel Sutherland reports the confirmation process for a new Sec of State has begun. ; 8 a.m. – Ron Hosko of the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund talks about illegal aliens.
6 a.m.
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8 a.m.
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