Wednesday 06/13/18 – Kevin Miller Show
Kevin Miller looks at the upcoming events in the Treasure Valley. The city of Boise will host Pridefest and the X games. He took calls from listeners who voiced their opinions on whether they supported both or one of the events. Today's guests: 6:35 a.m. – Fox News Radio’s Rachel Sutherland with parting thoughts on the President Trump NOKO Summit. She gives Kevin Miller a preview of upcoming issues that Congress will be debating; 7 a.m. – Rachel Bovard of the Conservative Partnership discusses the battle over funding for sanctuary cities ; 7:35am – Fox News’ Eben Brown reports the U.S. launches bid to find citizenship cheaters ; 8 a.m. – Comedian and suicide prevention speaker Frank King opines on recent celebrity suicides ; 8:35 a.m. – Jeff Monosso of Fox News Radio with the latest on the feud between the city of Seattle and Amazon.. Kevin Miller reminds everyone to listen Thursday morning for your chance to see the WWE for free.
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