Why Boise Doesn’t Have an Independence Day Parade
Today we celebrate the birth of our great nation, America. In communities throughout our country, cities will hold parades honoring veterans, patriots, and community leaders. However, one Idaho city will not have a Fourth of July Parade; that city is Idaho's capital city, Boise.
How can the capital of Idaho not have a parade on July fourth? For years, a small group of volunteers called We the People 4th of July Liberty Parade with little or no help from the city. How can a city not embrace the Fourth of July? You can read about our coverage of how the city dropped the ball on supporting this great event here.
Today cities throughout our state are holding parades honoring America. I had the opportunity to cover the Star Fourth of July Parade. Last year, the parade lasted about thirty-five minutes. You wouldn't think Ada County's second-smallest city would have a large turnout for its parade. This year's parade lasted almost 90 minutes. As I sat there watching the families in this growing community, I couldn't help but feel a not of sadness for our friends in Boise.
For years and years, Boise's parade featured a variety of civic groups, veterans, business folks, media, and anyone who could march with a flag. Once again, no kids will be waving flags and catching candy in Boise.
Why can cities like Star and Middleton host parades and Boise can not? Star Mayor Trevor Chadwick's mission is to get folks involved in his community. He's an active recruiter for all things that revolve around his city. The local businesses appreciate the support from the locals, so it's fun for them to sponsor a float in the parade. Volunteers and city officials work together to reinforce their community spirit.
In Boise, volunteers organize and deal with all the regulations. Where is Mayor McLean? So she and her acolytes in the Boise City Council do not see the value in a parade that honors America? The mayor and city council are always quick to comment on national polarizing issues. Why do they not champion a return of the July fourth Parade?
It is an embarrassment that Idaho's capital city has dropped the ball on honoring America. I'm glad the Boise elected officials weren't around to fight the British. We'd all be drinking the queen's tea if our freedom were left up to them.
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