President Donald Trump has now left office and is now a former president living in Florida. Florida is a great state, but if the president wanted to increase his quality of life experience, he should move to Idaho. The Sunshine State has a lot of great attributes. The state is known for its beaches, amusement parks, hurricanes, alligators, and the list goes on and on.

However, Florida also has a more diverse political environment than Idaho. The Gem State has been called the reddest of the red by former Governor Butch Otter. The state's Republican Party has a supermajority in both legislative houses, and the entire state and congressional delegations are all Republicans. The Gem State's Democrats are a nonfactor.

Former President Trump would have as much privacy as he would like to have while living in Idaho. The state has world-class ski slopes, whether it's in Sun Valley or throughout the Gem State. The Trumps could launch their political party from a receptive state to their beliefs.

Media outlets speculate that Former President Trump could be launching a new streaming/tv/radio platform. The Gem State is geographically close to Seattle and Los Angeles. The proximity to major media outlets would allow the former president to quickly get to those markets for a launch or other business endeavors.

Regardless of where the former president lives, I regret that he never visited our state while in office. We've had visits by other presidents while they were serving, and it's a shame that events didn't allow President Trump to visit Idaho. We have a hot real estate market, so hopefully, we'll see him in the Gem State.


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