The 2020 Idaho Legislature Special session was truly.... special.  Idahoans were treated to a broken window, a large state police presence, voters chanting and ... did I miss anything?  Oh, a few bills were passed dealing with liability and elections.  The House passed a bill that would limit the overturn the current state of emergency.  What happened when the bill was sent to the Senate?  The upper house gave the lower house the Heisman by refusing to hear the bill. They did pass a ferocious non binding resolution against the emergency orders.  Ammon Bundy was arrested twice and banned from the statehouse for a year.

Is there a lesson that we've learned from this costly special session?  Perhaps it's Covid?  Or the growing appeal of Gem State Grassroots Conservatism?  Or maybe it's President Trump's appeal.  The lesson from this recent debacle is that Idahoans are now more active monitoring their state government and holding their representatives accountable for their actions.  It's about time.

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